Murrindindi Shire is set on a strong and steady course towards meeting its 2017-2021 four-year Council Plan goals Mayor Charlie Bisset said.
“We are one year in to our [four-year] 2017-2021 Council Plan. The community will recall the work we did together when we developed our new Council Plan 2017-2021 and Priority Action Plan for 2017 through the ‘Have Your Say’ campaign.
Creation of these plans was in itself a big achievement in Council’s first year. And together, these documents outline our direction until 2021,” Cr Bisset said.
“At the beginning of each year, it can be a useful exercise to reflect on what we have achieved. We are particularly proud of a number of projects.
“We launched our social media presence with Facebook and Instagram and we’re steadily growing our reach and community connections.
“Council’s Facebook pages have proven to be handy tools to communicate with our communities at short notice to provide relevant, timely and important information to them. And our ‘Discover Dindi’ Instagram and Facebook pages have become a real hit, promoting some gorgeous places and scenes in the Shire.
“The successful Early Years Conference was held in May at Camp Jungai in Rubicon and saw the coming together of 75 local early years service providers from across the Shire, focusing on the topics of diversity and inclusion. The conference was a great opportunity for early years service providers and educators to gain new information, skills and awareness to support children of all backgrounds and abilities in their care,” Cr Bisset said.
A new Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021 was created by council following a review of Council’s recreational policies.
“We’re also proud of our work with the Taungurung Aboriginal Corporation to finalise the development of indigenous language cards for use by our local early years service providers, primary schools and libraries.
Teaching our young people these local words is invaluable and provides them with a strong connection with, and appreciation of, our indigenous people and their language and history.
“We are thrilled our local community arts groups and the Marysville and Triangle Business and Tourism Association secured grant funding for the development of an Arts and Tourism Centre in Marysville.
“This much-anticipated new facility is expected to be launched around the middle of this year. Council and the community worked hard to get this important project off the ground for the Triangle area.”
Cr Bisset said Council had done a great job and successfully pulled off a fast response to flooding damage which occured in December.
“Our staff managed speedy repairs to a damaged section of the Great Victoria Rail Trail, ensuring it reopened for use during the busy holiday period. We also sorted a quick and effective solution for residents concerned about flooding of their homes, by providing free sandbags well in advance of the flooding,” she said.
“Council has also been very active in the planning and development area. September 2017 saw the end of the Temporary Planning Provisions that allowed a shortened planning approach to rebuilding bushfire affected properties.
“Council worked hard to help our communities navigate these changes and to deal with the introduction of the extended Bushfire Management Overlay.
“We have continued to advocate strongly for our community in relation to Planning for Sustainable Animal Industries, management of the Central Highland forests and development of tourism opportunities.
Our [Murrindindi Shire’s] advocacy also resulted in the Shire securing the Jayco Herald Sun Tour’s Final Stage last February.
“I’m also pleased to say our Council staff also did some great work updating the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP). And the community consultation for the new Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) continued the good work of the ‘Have your Say’ campaign – it saw one of the largest rates of resident feedback when compared with other Victorian councils.
“This plan has shaped our direction for how we will manage our pets within the Shire.
“I know I speak on behalf of Councillors and Council Staff when I say we are only just getting started on the work we plan to do in and for Murrindindi Shire,” Cr Bisset said.