Nillumbik Shire’s inaugural Community Panel meets for the first time this Thursday, August 9 to begin reviewing the Green Wedge Management Plan (GWMP).
Mayor Peter Clarke, expert independent facilitators, MosaicLab and 40-member Community Panel will discuss the processes and tasks ahead.
The panel will respond to the question “What is the best way for us to manage Nillumbik’s Green Wedge, now and into the future?”
“For the first time, Nillumbik Council has commissioned an independent organisation to assemble a Community Panel to provide an accurate and fair representation of the community’s views,” Clarke said.
Twelve green wedge areas were first set aside by the Victorian Government in the 1970s outside the Urban Growth Boundary to conserve rural activities and significant natural features between the growth areas of metropolitan Melbourne.
The Community Panel will prepare a final report and recommendations to the Council that will directly inform and influence the preparation of the final Green Wedge Management Plan.
Cr Clarke said experienced community engagement consultants MosaicLab, who have run many successful campaigns with Australian councils and organisations, will facilitate the panel sessions.
“Nillumbik Council is involving the community in a meaningful and legitimate way through this process in the decisions that affect their lives,” Cr Clarke said.
“Community members can register their interest in being an observer to the panel sitting days through an Expression of Interest on Participate Nillumbik – process.”
Council is due to officially accept the Community Panel’s report in October, before releasing a draft for public consultation over a three-month period to adopt a final GWMP by June 2019.