Changes to Facebook’s news feed structure are unlikely to impact Murrindindi Shire’s social media communications with constituents as Councillors and shire staff will continue to inform Murrindindi residents on their own social media pages and others will then share the information.
Even if Facebook do implement changes, others will share their posts and news, as will Kinglake Ranges News to social media.
Claims by The Local Paper that social media doesn’t work are surprising given that second-year core subjects for Journalism at La Trobe University are ‘Using Social Media,’ ‘Online [and] Journalism Research,’ ‘Podcasting’ and ‘Online Journalism Production.’
Facebook’s changes are an attempt to stop the flow of ‘fake news’ which is most often provided by British ‘red top’ newspapers and the Murdoch and Long style of print journalism.
Reality is some old press hacks are trying to save the last of the outdated print newspaper model to maintain their advertising revenue despite claiming -on several occasions in several emails- that “they make no money from advertising at all.”
“I can’t afford to pay journalists, I make no money from my newspapers,” one said. Must be providing the advertising for free then.
It’s 2018, not 1818. Printed newspapers are last century and technology has changed the media landscape, as morse code and the telegraph did followed in the 1920s when voice radio came, followed by television in 1956 and the internet in 1994. It will change again. Always has. Always will.