HomeNewsFederal coalition pledge $750k for Kinglake Ranges

Federal coalition pledge $750k for Kinglake Ranges

Kinglake will receive $750,000 from the coalition government to match Labor’s pledges in the lead up to this year’s federal election the Minister for Regional Services, Senator Bridget McKenzie announced today.

The Kinglake projects will include:

  • Installing street furniture, seating, bike parking, bins, and new signage;
  • Replacing the High Street pedestrian crossing and relocating the bus stop;
  • Urban design landscaping and feature paving;
  • Building a roundabout at the Glenburn and Whittlesea-Kinglake roads intersection;
  • Building an inclusive access toilet to the Aitken Crescent public toilets;
  • Upgrading kerbing, pavements and footpaths along Aitken Crescent;
  • Installing two new electric vehicle charging points at the Healesville-Kinglake intersection; and
  • Installation of soft landscaping.
“Tourism is a year-round industry and it is great to see this project to enhance the streetscape and refurbish the major roads and intersections around Kinglake,” Minister McKenzie said.

Murrindindi Shire Council Deputy Mayor and Kinglake resident Leigh Dunscombe said the council have talked about what Kinglake needs to thrive and prosper and how those needs could best be met.

Cr Leigh Dunscombe Labor Oct 4
Cr Leigh Dunscombe

“It is our hope the renewed streetscape will create a community hub which promotes not only a sense of connectedness but inspires a feeling of pride as well. We believe it will provide a real boost to local businesses, help attract more tourists and ensure a prosperous future for the people of Kinglake,” Dunscombe said.

Mayor of Murrindindi Shire Council Sandice McAulay said this funding was very exciting news for Kinglake.

“We have all worked hard to rebuild the homes, businesses, communities and lives that were impacted by the 2009 Bushfires,” McAulay said.

Nationals Candidate for Indi, Mark Byatt, welcomed the Kinglake investment.

“These works will help make Kinglake a destination of choice for Melbourne day-trippers and really grow the economy. These projects will give the entire Kinglake community a lift,” Byatt said.

The Liberal candidate for Indi Steve Martin said the Building Better Regions Fund reinforced the Government’s commitment to rural and regional Australia.

“It is great to see the Liberal and Nationals Government backing our regions by making investments that will transform our local rural and regional communities,” Martin said.

The $750,000 for Kinglake, bordering the electorates of McEwen and Indi, is on top of $3,452,500 already confirmed across Indi by the coalition.

The seat is currently held by independent Cathy McGowan.


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