On 19 December, Murrindindi Shire Council will consider an application for a planning permit to display a major promotion sign at 2 Anderson Lane, Narbethong.
Regional Billboard Company Pty Ltd applied to Council for the permit on the industrial land, which is the site of a former timber mill.
The application was advertised in The Mountain Monthly magazine and via a notice on the site.
Neighbours around the site of the proposed major promotion sign also received a letter notifying them of the application and giving them the opportunity to let Council know if they had any concerns.
Consequently, Council received 21 objections and a petition with 237 signatures opposing the sign.
Council will consider the planning application, alongside the community’s concerns, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Murrindindi Planning Scheme.
To find out more, read the Council Officer’s report in the Agenda for the 19 December 2018 Ordinary Meeting at www.murrindindi.vic.gov.au/agendas