It’s time to have your say and tell Murrindindi Shire what you think of proposed township name changes.
Several residents have contacted Kinglake Ranges News who are not happy with changes proposed in council’s Kinglake – Flowerdale – Toolangi Plan.
Residents of Pheasant Creek, Toolangi and Flowerdale are concerned because the survey is being conducted of current residents, whilst many -some descendants of original settlers – have moved to other areas “on the mountain” following Black Saturday who believe their voices aren’t being heard by Murrindindi Shire.
[polldaddy poll=10142051]
Residents spoken to by Kinglake Ranges News supported the idea of a ‘brand’ and ‘Kinglake Ranges’ to encourage tourism whilst no one wanted to see the individual identity and history of each area from Toolangi, through Kinglake East, Kinglake, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West and Pheasant Creek erased.