HomeOpinionEditorialLike The Guardian we do news first and put advertising second

Like The Guardian we do news first and put advertising second

Like Guardian Australia stated today we don’t want to get bigger to make a profit of a particular size or to sell a certain number of ads … ,” Lenore Taylor, Editor, Guardian Australia.

Kinglake Ranges News agrees with Taylor’s opinion and is based on the same fourth-estate model in a local, Kinglake, context.

For example, other newspaper editors – see ‘ad sales rep’, incorrectly stated thrice that Simon Templar, VK3XEM, was a fictional character. Templar is anything but and any journalist would – and should – know how to use a basic database to check facts first.

This database is the second-oldest online in Australia, going online not long after the original Bureau of Meteorology sites in 1994.

A simple check of the ACMA database would have easily confirmed such, but some are too busy selling ads to provide basic fact-checked news reports.

Sometimes, it’s a long  – a very long way – way to a basic fact check when selling ads is more important than accurate local reporting.

Despite low print circulation figures Newspaper House publications (Yea Chronicle, Alexandra Standard, Whittlesea Review) put journalism before revenue, as does Kinglake Ranges News.

Other so-called “Local Paper’s” are only interested in ad revenue, not community news. To think otherwise is to be “Phoenixed”.

“We want to get bigger for only one reason – so our journalism can have greater clout, so we can report more and be read by more people of Australia,” Taylor said. We couldn’t agree more.

The place where people live a life (according to Kinglake Football Club legend) of ‘sex and danger being a Kinglake Ranger,’ is who we are. Murrindindi Shire’s number news site with $48 earned to date from ads. Unlike other so called ‘local media’ we put journalism before revenue.

Why only $48? We, like Guardian Australia, care more about reporting news than selling ads to out – of – towners.

In recent months our fastest-growing source of revenue is the opposite of clickbait. It’s voluntary contributions from Murrindindi Shire residents who value Kinglake Ranges News as a non-advertising contracted media outlet committed to being an independent source of news, rather than dictated to by others.



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